Discussions on Vedic Philosophy

Recordings of classes by Jivan Krsna das on Vedic Philosophy.

Vaishnava Vedanta Classes

01 – Introduction to Vedanta
02 – Consciousness, Awareness and Meditation
03 – Vedanta and Atheism Part 1
04 – Vedanta and Atheism Part 2
05 – Vedanta and Atheism Part 3
06 – Vedanta and Atheism Part 4

Pure Theism–Beyond Religion: Readings and Comments on Sri Caitanya Siksamrta

First Rainfall, First Shower — Theistic Worldview
First Rainfall, First Shower — Raga and Religion
First Rainfall, First Shower — Religions Vary According to the Time, Place, and Spiritual Development
First Rainfall, First Shower — The Teachings of Lord Caitanya

Vedanta and Bhakti

Basic Bhakti Part One
Basic Bhakti Part Two
Basic Bhakti Part Three — Importance of Japa Meditation

Vedanta and Christianity

Vedanta and Christianity Part One — Scripture Alone as Sufficient
Vedanta and Christianity Part One A — The Lost Gospel
Vedanta and Christianity Part Two — How to be a Christian
Vedanta and Christianity Part Three — Meaning of Soul
Vedanta and Christianity Part Four — Meaning of God
Vedanta and Christianity Part Five — Does Jesus Say He’s God?
Vedanta and Christianity Part Six — Vicarious Atonement

SAT YOGA is Real Yoga

Real (SAT) Yoga — Yamas
Real (SAT) Yoga — Niyamas
Real (SAT) Yoga — Asanas
Real (SAT) Yoga — Pranayama
Real (SAT) Yoga — Pratyahara
Real (SAT) Yoga — Dharana
Real (SAT) Yoga — Dhyana