Jiva Ananda Yoga
Jiva Ananda Yoga 501 (c)(3) was founded by Jivan Krishna das and Jolanda in 2011. As a non profit organization we have been giving free classes in Yoga, Qi Gong, Vedic philosophy and meditation in the Santa Fe area. We also organize yearly kirtan/yoga festivals. We teach that true happiness is to be reunited in loving service with the Absolute Truth.
Jivan Krishna das has been a teacher of Bhakti Yoga and a passionate kirtan leader for over 45 years. He passed away in April 2018 in the comfort of his own home. Jivan Krishna das’s memory and vision is very much alive within all of us. He dedicated his life to freely spread the gift of yoga and kirtan. We are honored to follow in his footsteps. We have a collection of Jivan’s poetry and songs available here.
Jolanda is a yoga teacher, Ayurvedic practitioner and a hospice nurse. She continues to hold the festivals and kirtans with help of friends from all over the world. More about about Jolanda’s work here.
Yoga Pavilion
We built the Yoga Pavilion just for you to experience Joyful Meditation in the most beautiful and natural environment we could find. More about the pavilion here.